about visuals consulting

Visuals Consulting provides consulting services to breweries, entrepreneurs, researchers, and home brewers

Revolutionizing Brewing Through Science

1. New Beer Development

2. Yeast Strain Introduction

3. Brewing Facility Management

4. Risk Assessment Services


New yeast strains generated


New beers


Scientific publications



Visuals Consulting is brewing through science consulting company based in The Netherlands offering advisory service worldwide. Our strategic guidance results in a direct improvement of the process, development of technology, and the creation of a standard or an experimental beer of superior quality.

The aim of Visuals Consulting is putting the highest quality science in the service of beer. We transfer to our clients the knowledge and the technology, based on the combination of the multidisciplinary expertise and the eclectic background, and crafted over decades in the most prestigious scientific institutions of the world. Our approach is designed to provide the top-notch science to beer enthusiasts all over the world without the extreme costs.


Visuals Consulting provides two types of services, (i) consulting in the delivery of results for specific projects, like the development of new beer type or the introduction of an experimental yeast strain, (ii) assistance in brewing facility organizations and management, risk assessment, scientific evaluation, business analyses, etc. Our BEER+HyZn is a prime example of our work.


What makes Visuals Consulting unique is the people who created it. We are beer loving multidisciplinary scientists working in four major scientific fields (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine) for more than 20 years. Knowledge that we use in the service of brewing is gained in the world-renowned scientific institutions b2b (bench to bench) with Nobel prize winners. We offer an overarching systemic approach that provides an in-depth knowledge and the sweeping perspective.

Contact Us

Reach out to us to start your journey to excellence in brewing through science. Weʼre here to answer your questions and guide you.